We understand that choosing the right school is an important decision for your family.
By enrolling your child at our school you're inviting us to work in partnership with you in nurturing their development during these important formative years.
Enrolling is easy – school and preschool
You can use our ‘Express your interest’ form below or contact the school office for an application form.
Once we have your completed Application Form, a copy of your child's birth certificate and an Administration Processing Fee of $30 ($15 for Preschool enrolments), we will contact you and invite you to an enrolment interview. This is generally in Term 1 the year prior to your child starting preschool or school.
You will meet with the Principal, have your questions answered and have a tour of the school.
If a position is available a letter of ‘Offer of Enrolment’ is sent to you.
If you wish to accept this enrolment offer then you sign the ‘Acceptance of Offer’ and return it to the school with a payment of $100 to secure the position. This $100 is deducted off the school fees when your child starts school.
If a position is not currently available the school will notify you by letter and your enrolment will be placed on a waiting list.
Express your interest
Please complete the form below and we'll contact you about enrolment at St Margaret Mary's School.