Term 4, Week 7 Wednesday 30th November 2022

It is getting near the end of the school year and there are many events happening around the school. We are looking forward to seeing everyone at our Community Event tomorrow. There is more information about this later in the newsletter. It has been over 2 years since we have been able to celebrate as a whole school, so we can’t wait to see lots of families.
Staffing Updates
In week 9, all students will meet their teachers for 2023. We are in the process of finalising classes and staffing. I’d like to share some more staffing updates. Teacher allocations will be finalised soon and announced during transitions. Maria Iovino will be returning to her role as Preschool teacher and coordinator in 2023. Louise Ferris will be taking leave in Term 1 and Jo Cutajar will be taking on Louise’s teaching role during that time. Ann Lang will be taking long service leave in Term 1 and Term 2, 2023.
Gretchen Welch has been appointed as a teacher at Concordia College. Gretchen has held many teaching roles at St Margaret Mary’s School and has been an important part of our School Quality Performance Team focussing on learning improvement, something she has continually demonstrated a great passion for. We wish her all the best for her new adventure. Our school community will have the opportunity to say thank you to Gretchen and other staff members leaving at our End of Year Mass Celebration (Friday December 9thn at 9.15am).
Green Grant
We are excited to announce that we have won a grant for $9290 to ‘adopt a verge’ from the Grassroots Grants program offered by the Green Adelaide Board. The Grassroots Grants program supports community-based organisations, volunteer groups and individuals who work at a local level on a not-for-profit basis to help in the management of the region’s landscape and natural assets. Sharyn Gromitsaris (a member of our school board, and Lily’s mum!) submitted the proposal to develop the space on the corner of Tungara Ave and Torrens Rd, the space outside the fence near our playground. We propose to bring roadside verges back to life with a greenspace initiative (Adopt-a-Verge). It will accomplish more than just improving the environment but also allow opportunities for education and community engagement. We will create a new green space by planting native species to attract butterflies, birds and bees on a site which is currently unused/barren. This gives us an opportunity to increase the greenscape and link green corridors in this area and allow for outdoor leaning/education space for students at St Margaret Mary’s School and the local community. This project will complement our new playspaces!
On Monday of Week 9, your child will bring home their Semester 2 Report. These reports summarise the assessment from Semester 2 in the Key Learning Areas. The reports contain important information on your child’s strengths and challenges and are more than a list of ‘grades’. A ‘satisfactory’ result is what is expected at your child’s year level. I encourage you to carefully read your child’s report and come and speak with your child’s teacher if you have any questions.
2023 initiatives
Please read about the exciting initiatives outlined below that have been previously announced. We have now employed some great staff to lead these areas.
- Gifted and Talented program. Greg Parker will be initiating a program for students for extension and enrichment. This program will support students in a number of ways. Firstly, teachers will develop their understanding of classroom-based extension within the existing curriculum and be supported to plan for this learning. Secondly, we are planning to offer some specific extension programs for selected students throughout the year. As our policy and program is developed, we will offer some parent sessions with more information.
- STEM focus. Will Dacombe-Bird will work with our classroom teachers to develop a whole school approach to teaching STEM across the curriculum, as well as to ensure our students have a range of specialist STEM experiences.
- Extended Reception transition. Our Transition to Reception program will expand to a full day a week (in addition to Preschool hours) for 10 weeks prior to children starting Reception. This program will be available for children in our Preschool as well as other children joining us from other kindys, ELCs, preschools or childcare.
2023 Enrolments
We have a few spaces left in our Reception class for 2023. If you know of anyone who is interested in finding out more about a St Margaret Mary’s Education, please contact anela in the front office.
Thank you
Thank you for your ongoing support during the year. The last 2 weeks of school are very busy, but a wonderful time to celebrate as a community. I hope to speak with all of you during our events in the next couple of weeks.
Kelly Campbell

This has been a very busy week for the staff, as we finish off writing reports for 2022 and finalising class lists for 2023. We have also been very busy organising ourselves for the Community Event tomorrow night!
We invite all families to come along at 5.30pm on Thursday December 1st for …….
WHAT: St Margaret Mary’s School Showcase!
TIME: BBQ and drinks from 5.30pm. Showcase starts at 6.00pm
FOOD: Sausages and veg burgers for $2. Drinks $2
BRING: a fold-out chair or rug for adults to sit on
WHO: Preschool to Year 6 students are expected to be there
Each year level will be Showcasing their learning from the Performing Arts curriculum this semester. There will also be some songs from the School Choir.
Please check SeeSaw from your class teacher for what your child is expected to wear on the night.
We are so excited to be doing this as a community and look forward to seeing everyone there! It will be a fun and colourful night!
Our final transitions visits are coming up, for children moving to Reception or beginning Preschool. These visits have been invaluable for children and teachers to get to know each other and developing a sense of belonging for the children.
Children across the school will get to meet their new teacher in Week 9. The children are already busy talking in the yard about who their teacher will be!
The teachers love the opportunity to get to know the children in preparation for 2023! It is an exciting time for everyone!!
Please make sure that you are regularly checking SeeSaw and the newsletter for information regarding the end of the year. Many classes have things planned and it is important that you stay informed.
Our FaceBook page will have lots of photos about all of the things the students have been doing as well!
Alicia Boylan

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
At tomorrow evenings Community Event, on Thursday 1 December, we are inviting families to bring along donations of Christmas foods and decorations in support of the Vinnies Christmas Appeal. All donations can be placed in white baskets under the Christmas tree as you arrive.
Vinnies Christmas Appeal Donations
Suggested donations include Christmas pudding, long-life custard, tea and coffee, Milo, long life milk, Tim Tams, Christmas lollies, fruit cake, tinned fruit, cordial, long-life juice, cereal, fruit mince pies, shortbread biscuits, jelly, spreads – jam, vegemite, pancake mix, tinned vegetables, gravy mix, soup, pasta, pasta sauce, bonbons and any other Christmas decorations.
2023 Sacramental Program
It has been great to see the registrations coming through for the 2023 Parish Sacramental Program. Thank you to those families who have also already provided a copy of the Baptismal Certificate with your registration. If your child has previously been Baptised and you are considering participating in the program, copies of the 2023 letter and registration form are available from the front office.
2023 Altar Server Training
As a parish school, we are offering Altar Server training in 2023 for students who have completed the Sacramental Program. Altar server training will be offered during school hours. If becoming an Altar Server is something your child is interested in, please let me know via email matthew.harrison@smms.catholic.edu.au
End of Year Mass
To acknowledge the 2022 school year, we will gather to celebrate a whole school ‘End of Year Mass’ on Friday 9 December at 9:15am in St Margaret Mary’s Church. If you are able, you are most welcome to join us. You can enter the Church via the Torrens Road main doors from 9:00am.
Hope to see you all tomorrow night,
Matthew Harrison
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission

Students are focussing on Il Presepio & the important significance il presepio has in all Italian homes during the festive season .
Gina Armiento
Italian Teacher

Last week 32 students from Years 3-6 participated in the SACPSSA Athletics Carnival at the Bridgestone Athletics Stadium.
All students represented our school with great sportsmanship, attitude and determination. Congratulations to Daniel who won Year 6 age group champion and the Year 4 girls for winning age group champions. Such greats achievements by all the students.
A big thanks to Mr Graham and Mr Rylander for their support on the day.
Celeste Brown
PE Teacher

Everybody had lots of fun on Outreach Day last week.
Thank you to the Year 6 students, Ms Osborne and Mr Rylander for your excellent work organising everything.
A total of $987 was raised for Hutt St Centre, Catherine House and St Patrick's Special School

Please see Jane in the office if you are interested in either of these fridges for $50 each
Please click on a photo to view what is planned for Camp Australia OSHC Holiday Club these holidays.

Important Dates
5.30-6.30pm Preschool Picnic
2pm Preschool Celebration of Learning (Group 2)
9.15am End of Year Mass
Playgroup Picnic
2pm Preschool Celebration of Learning (Group 1)
Whole School Transition
6pm Graduation, Final Day for Year 6 students
Last day of Term - 3pm finish
School Times & Term Dates
Front Office: 8.30am - 3.45pm
Student Supervision: 8.30am - 3.20pm
Classes: 8.45am - 3.00pm
Term 4: Monday 17 October to Friday 16 December
Term 1: Monday 30 January to Friday 14 April;
Term 2: Monday 1 May to Friday 7 July;
Term 3: Monday 24 July to Friday 29 September;
Term 4: Monday 16 October to Friday 15 December
Preschool Times

Group 1: Monday & Tuesday 8.45am - 2.45pm;
Wednesday 8.45am - 11.45am
Occasional Care: Wednesday 9-12 (bookings required)
Group 2: Wednesday 12.15pm-3.15pm;
Thursday & Friday 8.45am - 2.45pm

Crossing Monitors

Thank you to these students who have volunteered to be crossing monitors:
Week 7 - Monique, Mia M, Natalie K
Week 8 - Kevin, Kenzo, Bobby
Week 9 - Jett, Christian, Joshua
Uniform Shop Times

Tuesday: 2.30pm - 3.30pm;
Friday: 8.30am - 10.00am
Please Note:
short sleeved polos have arrived!
track pants are expected to arrive by week 8;
more short sleeved polos are expected to arrive at the start of 2023;
long sleeved polos and jackets are expected to arrive in March 2023.
OSHC Hours

Morning: 6.30am - 8.30am;
Afternoon: 3.00pm - 6.15pm
Phone Camp Australia: 1300 105 343
Croydon Park Catholic Parish
Parish Priest: Fr Charles Lukati
Ph: 8346 0944
Student Absences

Phone: 8245 5855 (answering service - call anytime)
Email: absent@smms.catholic.edu.au
SMS: 0407 682 137
November Birthdays!

We wish the following students who celebrate a birthday in November a very happy and blessed birthday:
Phillip | 6LO |
Angus | PRE1 |
Fifi | 4/5GG |
Hoang | 3GW |
Jasmine | 4/5GG |
Jordan | 1/2ML |
Tue Tam | 1/2AL |
Hayley | 4/5CM |
Michas | 1/2CF |
Zecharias | PRE2 |
Rosalie | 1/2AL |
Bethlehem | 6LO |
An | 4/5CM |
Natalie | 6LO |
Jade | 1/2CF |
Scott | 1/2KB |
Patrick | 4/5GG |
Zara | PRE2 |
Mia | 6LO |
Greatest | 3MK |
Greatness | 3GW |
Han | 3GW |
Taye | 1/2ML |
Jaxon | RRB |
Scott | RRB |
John | 4/5GG |
Harry | 3GW |
Lucas | PRE1 |
Nicholas | 1/2CF |