Term 4, Week 5 Friday 18th November 2022

2023 Class Structures
As we are getting closer to the end of 2023, we are finalising the class structures for 2023. Teachers are working very hard on the extremely complicated process of class placements and later in the term we will be able to announce the year levels that teachers will be assigned to. At this stage we are planning for the following class structures:
Preschool 2 groups
Reception 2 classes + mid year intake (Foundation)
Year 1 2 classes
Year 2 2 classes
Year 3/4 3 classes
Year 5/6 3 classes
There are always a lot of announcements about staffing at this time of the year. Marni Knolder has been appointed as a teacher at Our Lady of the Visitation School, Taperoo. Marni has worked at St Margaret Mary’s for 20 years and is looking forward to a new experience as a teacher. We wish Marni all the best for her new adventures.
I am pleased to share the following staff appointments for 2023:
Lucy Centofanti and Kylie Rivera have been appointed to permanent positions in our school. We welcome Julie McGrane, joining us in middle primary. William Dacombe-Bird will be teaching STEM across all year levels and Greg Parker will be leading our Gifted and Talented Program. I am also pleased that Michelle Leonardi will be teaching in our Junior Primary in a replacement position next year.
Children’s University Graduation
I am thrilled to have attended the Children’s University Graduation on Wednesday evening at Bonython Hall (University of Adelaide). We are proud of all our graduates. If you would like to find out more about Children’s University for 2023, please visit https://cuaustralasia.com/ or look out for information in our newsletter early next year.
A very big thankyou to Pennie Blazely, our CU coordinator, for preparing all the children and helping them get and track their hours!
Students receiving the National Bronze Award for 30 hours:
Kalista Bote
Rafael Bote
Edmund Deveney
Katia Fratamico
Mumin Mela
Janice Phan
Adam Saeed
Arin Saeed
Rahmah Sohaib
Students receiving the National Silver Award for 65 hours:
Isabella Djurasevich
Nate Djurasevich
Aria Fratamico
Gia Fratamico
Student receiving the National Gold Award for 100 hours:
Hannah Bui
School Celebrations
Students, staff and families have been a part of many liturgical celebrations this term, including Remembrance Day, Preschool/Foundation/Reception liturgy, Year 5 Mass and All Saints Day Mass.
All parents/caregivers are invited to Community Prayer every Friday morning at 8.45am in the school yard. We will also have tea/coffee available if you’d like to stay to meet other parents/carers.
Thank you for your continued support,
Kelly Campbell

Please remember that our End of Year Community Event will be on Thursday December the 1st. We are looking forward to showcasing our Performing Arts program and coming together as a community. A big thank you to all those people who have offered to help cook the BBQ or serve food on the night. Please make sure you have returned your forms to help with our catering!
Next week is a very busy week with three classes and the preschool attending the Zoo, the Year 6’s going on an Aquatics Day, and senior students attending an Athletics Carnival. Thank you to all those parents and carers who have volunteered to help. These excursions would not be possible without the help and support of volunteers!
A reminder to not park on the yellow lines along the street. Council was here observing the traffic and have indicated that they will be returning again soon to observe the traffic in the afternoons. We ask that everyone obeys the road rules to ensure the safety of our students and community.
Transition visits
The younger students have been having a wonderful time visiting the big school with Mrs B(raidwood) and reconnecting with their friends in Foundation. Mrs B(ottger) and Mrs Pollifrone have also been busy in the Preschool, welcoming the children who will be coming to Preschool in 2023. It makes Wednesday mornings very busy in the school, but everyone is having fun! We are so happy with how the children are settling to the new learning spaces.
Alicia Boylan

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
The Season of Advent is almost upon us!
In recent weeks, our Year 1/2 classes commemorated a liturgy for Remembrance Day where we offered prayers as peacemakers for our world. We paused for the Last Post and observed a minute’s silence as we remembered those who have given their lives through service. Our Foundation and Reception classes also shared a liturgy to ‘Prepare for the birth of baby Jesus.’ This was a joyous occasion, where we listened to the Word as a way of helping us to set up our Nativity scene. Our readers offered prayers, and everyone filled the Church with high energy singing and movements. We were very excited to be joined by our Pre-schoolers on both these occasions.
Season of Advent
Advent is a season of new beginnings, a time of prayer and reflection in preparation for the birth of Jesus. The Season of Advent begins on Sunday 27 November (Week 7) and continues until Saturday 24 December (Christmas Eve) on the Fourth Sunday of Advent. During Advent the Church is dressed in the liturgical colour purple. Each Sunday at Mass, a candle is lit on an Advent wreath reflecting a different theme for the week. The first candle is purple and represents ‘hope’ – hope for new beginnings. The second candle is purple and reflects ‘peace’ – Jesus the Prince of Peace and peace in our relationships. The third candle is pink and is an expression of ‘joy’ – joy that the birth brings. The fourth candle is purple and focuses on ‘love’ – our love for God and each other.
Sacramental Program
Last week, we started distributing information regarding the 2023 Parish Sacramental Program to families who had expressed initial interest. If your child has previously been Baptised and you are considering participating in the program with your child / children, we invite you to contact the office or myself matthew.harrison@smms.catholic.edu.au for further information.
Altar Server Training
As a parish school we are in the planning stages of organising training in 2023 for students who have completed the Sacramental Program and are interested in learning how to Altar serve. The students will be trained during school hours and will then have the option of volunteering to Altar serve and support the priest in our whole school or year level Masses. Once trained, families who also attend parish Masses may choose to contact Paula in the parish office on 8346 0944 for further information on the parish Altar serving roster.
Vinnies Christmas Appeal
The Vinnies Christmas Appeal is all about bringing joy and festivity to families and individuals who may be in need of some extra support. Christmas is a time of celebration and sharing in precious memories together. However, this may not be the reality for 2.2 million Australians, including families and 750,000 children living below the poverty line. Before the school year winds up, Vinnies are inviting families to donate Christmas foods and decorations which will be added to hampers.
This year we are asking families, who are able, to bring donations to our Community Event on Thursday 1 December. On the night, families are invited to place any donations under our Christmas tree upon arrival.
Suggested donations include Christmas pudding, long life custard, tinned fruit, shortbread, long life juice, Christmas cake, fruit mince pies, pasta, rice, tinned vegetables, bon bons, tinsel and other Christmas decorations. For further information including a full list of suggested donations you may wish to view the online information kit.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
Matthew Harrison
Assistant Principal Religious Identity and Mission

The last day for student borrowing from the Library will be Friday 25th November (Week 6), with all student loans to be returned no later than Friday 2nd December (Week 7).
Thank you for your help in this schedule,
Mrs DiG
Also, Book Club Issue 8 orders are due by Wednesday 23rd November via LOOP. Details on Page 31 of the magazine. Payments can not be accepted at school.

By Isabella D Year 4/5

We are sending home the Payment Plan Agreement form for 2023 school fees with the frequency schedule on the back.
If you would like to set up your payment plan for 2023 fees now please bring in your bank details and payment plan form.
Co-curricular fee day is Wednesday 25th January 2023. School Card forms will be available then.
Many thanks
Jane Victory
Finance Officer

Hi Families…
Collection starts now and will run until the 30th November 2022. I will be unable to accept gifts after this date.
Your generosity is highly valued, and we appreciate the time and effort it takes to get a special gift for a child in need. It’s important to us that your intention is honoured, so please read through the below gift giving guide before choosing your gift.
Gift requirements:
- Toys and books must be new and good quality.
- Your gift should be ready to read or play with as soon as it’s opened on Christmas morning (i.e. include batteries, or colouring pencils for colouring books, etc)
- No gift wrapping, please. While it may seem helpful to wrap your gift, this creates problems in the sorting and packing process and also means that parents don’t get to see or wrap the gift for their child.
Gifts most needed
This year we have a shortage of gifts for children between 6 and 12 years of age. By donating a gift suitable for a child in this age group, you will help us meet the needs of many more families. Gifts such as board games, STEM and activity-based toys are always well-received.
Items we can’t accept
Unfortunately, there are some items that are difficult to sort and pack. Others may not be appropriate for a wide range of children. Repurposing these items costs money that we’d prefer to spend on getting more toys and books to more children. You can help us reach more children by avoiding the sorts of items listed below.
- Breakable items such as glass or porcelain
- Calendars and diaries
- Candles and lamps
- CDs and video games
- Clothing including shoes, costumes and pyjamas
- Food or drinks
- Games suitable for adults (16+ years)
- Toys that look like weapons such as guns and swords
- Items that contain liquid
- Promotional Marketing or branded items (items with company logos)
- Second-hand or handmade items
- Sheets and towels
- Toiletries, perfume and makeup
- Large items such as bikes, hula hoops, ride-ons etc. Try to keep your gift smaller than a school backpack.
Any questions please ask! Thank you again!
Nadia Siv
Please click on a photo to view what is planned for Camp Australia OSHC Holiday Club these holidays.

Important Dates
Preschool & FDN Zoo Excursion
Year 6 Aquatics
Interschool Athletics Carnival
Reception Zoo Excursion
Outreach Day
5.30pm Community Event
5.30-6.30pm Preschool Picnic
School Board Meeting
2pm Preschool Celebration of Learning (Group 2)
9.15am End of Year Mass
Playgroup Picnic
2pm Preschool Celebration of Learning (Group 1)
Whole School Transition
6pm Graduation, Final Day for Year 6 students
Last day of Term - 3pm finish
School Times & Term Dates
Front Office: 8.30am - 3.45pm
Student Supervision: 8.30am - 3.20pm
Classes: 8.45am - 3.00pm
Term 4: Monday 17 October to Friday 16 December
Term 1: Monday 30 January to Friday 14 April;
Term 2: Monday 1 May to Friday 7 July;
Term 3: Monday 24 July to Friday 29 September;
Term 4: Monday 16 October to Friday 15 December
Preschool Times

Group 1: Monday & Tuesday 8.45am - 2.45pm;
Wednesday 8.45am - 11.45am
Occasional Care: Wednesday 9-12 (bookings required)
Group 2: Wednesday 12.15pm-3.15pm;
Thursday & Friday 8.45am - 2.45pm

Crossing Monitors

Thank you to these students who have volunteered to be crossing monitors:
Week 6 - Aaliyah, Phillip N, Kobe
Week 7 - Monique, Mia M, Natalie K
Week 8 - Kevin, Kenzo, Bobby
Uniform Shop Times

Tuesday: 2.30pm - 3.30pm;
Friday: 8.30am - 10.00am
Please Note:
short sleeved polos have arrived!
track pants are expected to arrive by week 8;
more short sleeved polos are expected to arrive at the start of 2023;
long sleeved polos and jackets are expected to arrive in March 2023.
OSHC Hours

Morning: 6.30am - 8.30am;
Afternoon: 3.00pm - 6.15pm
Phone Camp Australia: 1300 105 343
Croydon Park Catholic Parish
Parish Priest: Fr Charles Lukati
Ph: 8346 0944
Student Absences

Phone: 8245 5855 (answering service - call anytime)
Email: absent@smms.catholic.edu.au
SMS: 0407 682 137
November Birthdays!

We wish the following students who celebrate a birthday in November a very happy and blessed birthday:
Phillip | 6LO |
Angus | PRE1 |
Fifi | 4/5GG |
Hoang | 3GW |
Jasmine | 4/5GG |
Jordan | 1/2ML |
Tue Tam | 1/2AL |
Hayley | 4/5CM |
Michas | 1/2CF |
Zecharias | PRE2 |
Rosalie | 1/2AL |
Bethlehem | 6LO |
An | 4/5CM |
Natalie | 6LO |
Jade | 1/2CF |
Scott | 1/2KB |
Patrick | 4/5GG |
Zara | PRE2 |
Mia | 6LO |
Greatest | 3MK |
Greatness | 3GW |
Han | 3GW |
Taye | 1/2ML |
Jaxon | RRB |
Scott | RRB |
John | 4/5GG |
Harry | 3GW |
Lucas | PRE1 |
Nicholas | 1/2CF |
