Term 2, Week 5 Friday 31st May 2024

This week we gathered for Community Prayer with a focus on National Reconciliation Week. We are all called to work towards Reconciliation in our communities and wider nation. At a school level, we continually develop the skills of restorative conversations that nurture reconciliation and reflect our school values of compassion, justice, integrity, responsibility and perseverance.
Prayer for Reconciliation
God of all creation,
as we journey together in this Great Southern Land,
we pray for healing, forgiveness and unity,
creating a path of good will, with justice and compassion.
Jesus, through the power of your love, you have given us the courage, wisdom and strength to share our gifts and talents in humility.
In peace and understanding we reconcile with each other.
Creator Spirit, we come together in prayer and thanksgiving for the many blessings we have received. Allow your Spirit to wash over us and give us strength to walk together as one.
This Reconciliation Church prayer was written by a small group of Aboriginal Elder women and Reconciliation Church staff members in 2014.
A few important safety reminders:
- Never do a 3-point turn near the school crossing
- Do not overtake other cars near the school crossing, even if you must wait an extra minute!
- Always use the crossing to cross the road.
- Please do not use the staff carparks to pick up or drop off.
I am out on duty most mornings and afternoons and have witnessed some very dangerous incidents. It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure our children are safe.
Next week our Reception – Year 5 students will take part in our Water Safety and Swimming program at the Adelaide Aquatic Centre. Swimming is an important part of a child's development, offering strength, confidence and life-saving skills throughout their life. The program also offers students the opportunity to develop independence, resilience and responsibility.
Thank you to our parent volunteers. Some important reminders will be shared on SeeSaw on Monday.
This article outlines some of the many benefits of learning to swim and water safety.
Thank you for your continued support,
Kelly Campbell

Dear Families
The autumn weather has brought us the most beautiful sunshine, but as the weather changes, we are starting to see an increase in coughs and colds and other viruses. Please remember to keep your child home if they have a cough or symptoms like a runny nose or temperature.
School Sports
Congratulations to the Year 3, 4 and 5 students who participated in the lacrosse carnival at Woodville recently. It was a fantastic day and our 9 teams performed to the best of their ability and demonstrated excellent teamwork and team spirit. Many thanks to the staff and parents who supported the students on the day including coaching the teams.
Well done also to our school Soccer Teams. We have heard that the teams are trying their very best on Saturdays and are developing their skills on the soccer pitch. One of our teams celebrated their first win of the season, and wins don’t happen without teamwork! Thank you to the coaches and families who are supporting the players at the matches. Go SMMS!
Water Safety Program
Next week, Tuesday to Friday, our Reception to Year 5 students will participate in the Water Safety Program at the Adelaide Aquatic Centre. The students will learn a range of swimming and water safety techniques such as the best way to get in and out of the water, floating, and how to stay safe around water.
Staff and Registered Volunteers will be at the pool to assist all students. Parents are welcome to come along to the pool and watch the lessons but are only able to assist their own child if they are not registered to volunteer. Registered volunteers will be wearing a badge to identify them.
For the safety of all children no photos or videos are to be taken while at the pool.
Please remember to pack all the important items such as a towel and a plastic bag to put their wet bathers in.
Please remember students can not leave the pool with a parent or guardian without being signed out with their teacher. Parents/Guardians must communicate with the teacher before the water safety lessons or speak with the teacher at the pool.
Please note: Times indicated below are a guide only and may change on the day due to unforeseen circumstances.
Year Level |
Depart SMMS |
Lesson |
Depart Pool |
Back at SMMS (approx.) |
Reception |
9:00am |
9:30-10:15am |
10:35am |
10:45am |
Year 1 |
9:45am |
10:15-11:00am |
11:20am |
11:30am |
Year 2 |
10:30am |
11:00-11:45am |
12:05pm |
12:15pm |
Year 3 |
11:15am |
11:45-12:45pm |
1:05pm |
1:15pm |
Year 4/5 |
12:30pm |
1:00-2:00pm |
2:20pm |
2:30pm |
We are looking forward to the Water Safety Program. The life skills students will learn are very important and lots of fun too!
All the best for the weeks ahead.
Belinda Elliott

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Last Friday, 24 May, the Daly House students were invited to wear their Sports Day yellow T-Shirt, yellow hair accessories or yellow socks to acknowledge Fr Thomas Daly. Fr Daly was the inaugural parish priest of St Margaret Mary’s School and Croydon Park Parish. It was wonderful to see their Daly House spirit on display within our community. Every House will have their own House Day celebration. A day where we can acknowledge each House namesake and celebrate their team spirit. Grady House (Red) will celebrate on Friday 26 July (Term 3, Week 1), MacKillop House (Green) on Friday 9 August (Term 3, Week 3) and Margaret House (Blue) on Friday 18 October (Term 4, Week 1).
Term 2 Masses and Liturgies
On Friday 24 May, our Year 3 and Year 6 students celebrated the Feast of Mary, Help of Christians. Mary, Help of Christians is Australia’s patron saint. Special thanks to all our Year 3 and Year 6 classes and their teachers for helping to prepare and lead such a spirit filled Liturgy of the Word celebration.
Year Level(s) |
Date |
Time |
Theme |
Year 1 and Year 2 |
Monday 3 June |
10:00 |
Sacred Heart of Jesus |
Year 4/5 |
Thursday 20 June |
9:15 |
The Lord’s Prayer |
Please note that all Masses and Liturgies are held in St Margaret Mary’s Church.
Families who are able, are most welcome to join us for the remaining Term 2 celebrations. If any changes occur, these will be communicated through Seesaw and upcoming newsletters. If you have any questions regarding Masses or Liturgies, please contact the front office or email matthew.harrison@smms.catholic.edu.au .
2024 St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal
On Monday 27 May, our Year 6 House Leaders officially launched the 2024 St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal (Vinnies). Each House gathered in a separate location to share in prayer and view a promotional video about the ways in which Vinnies assists an increasing amount of families impacted by the cost of living and housing crisis. Following the video, each House discussed how our school value of integrity connects with the opportunity to donate clothing and shoes. Clothing and shoes that our families may have outgrown or no longer require.
This week, we have already received very generous donations in both of our clothing bins. Throughout the term, families are invited to donate items in the blue clothing bin in the entry of our school and the white clothing bin in the undercroft area. If you wish to donate, please ensure that all items are in good condition as they will be passed on to Vinnies for sale in their stores.
First Holy Communion Meeting
Our next Sacramental gathering will be our First Holy Communion Information Meeting on Wednesday 3 July (Week 10) at 7.00pm at Whitefriars School (45 Beaufort Street, Woodville Park) in the Mary MacKillop Hall.
The parish requests that students receiving the Sacrament of First Communion attend the information meeting with at least one or both parents. Students will receive a First Communion pack, containing information and a third book with activities to help families prepare for the sacrament. Please be advised that there will be a sign in sheet to register your attendance. If you have any questions regarding the Sacramental Program, please contact the parish office on 83460944 or email Kirsty Power our Parish Sacramental Coordinator sacramental.coordinator@croydonparkparish.com.au
Have a good weekend everyone.
Matthew Harrison
Year 2 students are learning about the life cycle of a chicken. They are engaging with reading an interactive text and are completing assorted activities to support this learning topic.
Gina Armiento
Italian Teacher

Rosie has advised that the size 8 and 10 long sleeve polos have arrived!
Please note that the uniform shop is open on Tuesday afternoons 2.30-3.30pm and Friday mornings 8.30-10.00am.

Approx 350 second hand cream pavers.
300mm x 300 mm x 40mm. $500
Please see Jane or ring 82455801

Important Dates
Year 1 & 2 liturgy 10am
1SB Assembly 2.20pm
Swimming Week (Tuesday-Friday)
Term 3 Preschool Group 1 Transition 9am-11am
Term 3 Preschool Group 2 Transition 9am-11am
Public Holiday
Term 3 Preschool Group 1 Transition 9am-11am
Term 3 Preschool Group 2 Transition 9am-11am
School Times & Term Dates
Front Office: 8.30am - 3.45pm
Student Supervision: 8.30am - 3.20pm
Classes: 8.45am - 3.00pm
Term 1: Monday 30 January to Friday 12 April;
Term 2: Monday 29 April to Friday 5 July;
Term 3: Monday 22 July to Friday 27 September;
Term 4: Monday 14 October to Friday 13 December
Preschool Times

Group 1: Monday & Tuesday 8.45am - 2.45pm;
Odd Wednesdays 8.45am - 2.45pm
Occasional Care: Wednesday 8.45-11.45am (bookings required)
Group 2: Even Wednesdays 8.45am -2.45pm;
Thursday & Friday 8.45am - 2.45pm
Uniform Shop Times

Tuesday: 2.30pm - 3.30pm;
Friday: 8.30am - 10.00am
Crossing Monitors

Thank you to these students who have volunteered to be crossing monitors:
Week 3: Evanna, Zoe, Halo
Week 4: Aldeyna, Mumin, Axel
Week 5: Grace S, Dillen, Thomas
May Birthdays

OSHC Hours

Morning: 6.30am - 8.30am;
Afternoon: 3.00pm - 6.15pm
Phone Camp Australia: 1300 105 343

Student Absences

Phone: 8245 5855 (answering service - call anytime)
Email: absent@smms.catholic.edu.au
SMS: 0407 682 137
Croydon Park Catholic Parish
Parish Priest: Fr Charles Lukati
Ph: 8346 0944
