Term 1, Week 5 Friday 28th February 2025

We are looking forward to meeting with all parents/carers in a few weeks for Learning Conversations. Your child/ren should have brought home a note with booking information, it will also be shared on SeeSaw. The partnership between school and home is very important and research shows a link between academic achievement, high wellbeing and a strong school-home partnership. These meetings are a great opportunity to ask any questions you may have about your child’s learning and teachers will share important information about your child’s learning program and progress.
Acting Principal
At the beginning of Term 2, I will be taking 5 weeks leave. During this time, Belinda Elliott will be Acting Principal. Belinda will be supported by the current leadership team with Maria Iovino taking on additional leadership roles. I thank all the leadership team for their willingness to step up and take on these important roles.
Classroom Pulse Wellbeing Survey
Over the next couple of weeks all students will participate in our Classroom Pulse Wellbeing Survey. Each term, students complete this short survey that helps us track wellbeing in our school and ensure we are offering relevant support when needed. The survey is completed individually online and takes about 5 minutes. R-2 students are supported by Mr Harrison and Ms Braidwood.
Calm & Confident Kids
A reminder about our parent wellbeing session that will be held on Wednesday 26th March at 6pm. Clinical psychologist, Kirrilie Smout, will lead us in how to support children with a tendency towards worry or anxiety. I would encourage at least one parent from each family to attend.
On Friday 7th March, we will be holding our school disco for Years 1-6.
Preschool (Group 2) and Reception 2-2.45pm in the Parish Hall – children can wear their ‘disco clothes’ all day
Preschool (Group 1) Tuesday 11th March 2-2.45pm in the Emmaus Centre – children can wear their ‘disco clothes’ all day
Year 1, 2, 3 5.15-6pm
Year 4, 5, 6 6.30-7.30pm
We are looking forward to a fun afternoon and night dancing with our friends!
Some important reminders:
- Tickets must be pre-purchased by THURSDAY 6th MARCH. They will not be available to buy at the door. Purchase via Qkr! App. Preschool and Reception children do not need to purchase a ticket.
- Current SMMS students only to attend.
- NO parents/carers are allowed in the Hall. Only volunteers that are registered for this event will be permitted in the Hall. No volunteers are required for the Preschool/Reception disco as it occurs during school time.
- All Year 1-6 children must be signed in and out by a parent/caregiver.
We are looking for donations for prizes. We are also looking for donations of suitable items for our party bags. Please drop off any donations to the school office. Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to help out.
Student lunches.
Students have their scheduled lunch eating time at 11.20am. if you are dropping off/delivering your child’s lunch, please ensure it is in the office prior to 11.20am. If it is delivered later, they may have to wait until their next scheduled eating time after second play.
We have a very reliable lunch service from Westside Bakery that delivers lunches at the correct time. Please utilise this service rather than services such as Uber Eats. Just go to the Qkr! App to order from the Bakery.
Thank you
School Board and Annual General Meeting
Our current school board will meet Wednesday 12th February.
The School Board AGM will be held on Wednesday 19th February at 6.30pm. Reports will be tabled at the beginning of the meeting, elections for new members will be held and those elected will remain for the meeting.
We are also calling for nominations for the school board.
The school board does not require a huge commitment, it is 2 meetings each school term (6.30-8pm, on a Wednesday evening). The school board is important in shaping policy and future direction of the school. It is a vital part of parent voice and is a great chance to meet other parents, offer ideas and discuss school planning. You do not require any particular experience other than an interest in the strategic direction and continual improvement of our school.
Please give me a call (or catch a staff member in the yard) if you’d like to discuss further.
Nominations must be made prior to the AGM and school board members are required to have a current Catholic Police Clearance (Angela can help you with this if you do not have one already).
An expression of interest for nomination can be made via email to info@smms.catholic.edu.au
There is also some information about school boards at https://www.schoolboards.cesa.catholic.edu.au/recruitment/for-parents/joining-a-board

Dear Families
It’s been a busy and rewarding start to the year – I have been pleased to hear so many positive comments about how well our students have settled into their new classes. Many thanks to our staff for all of the time and effort they have invested in setting our students up for a successful year.
We are very excited about our Carnevale celebrations this coming Tuesday 4 March. Families are welcome to join us for the Carnevale Parade at 9:15am. Many thanks to Signora Armiento, the Carnevale Committee and all of the staff and students have helped to plan and prepare for this wonderful celebration. 💚🤍❤️ We hope to see you on Tuesday morning.
Learning Support
Sometimes students need a little more support with certain aspects of their learning, as we all have different strengths and abilities. Our teachers and ESOs (Education Support Officers) do a wonderful job of supporting students of all ability levels. Alongside this we have intervention or wellbeing programs such as MiniLit, MacqLit, What’s the Buzz, Rock & Water, and Speech Language programs. If your child is participating in one of these programs in a small group or 1:1 you will receive a letter informing you of this support or it will be discussed in the Parent Teacher Learning Conversations coming up in the next few weeks.
Parent Teacher Learning Conversations – Monday 17 – Friday 21 March – BOOK NOW
Please take the opportunity to book in for a Parent Teacher Learning Conversation. Notes were sent home to all families this week with the booking website and code. Please book online. Learning Conversations are a great opportunity for you to hear about how your child’s learning is progressing so far this year, celebrate their achievements, discuss any concerns, and set goals for future growth.
Child Safety
Child safety is everyone’s responsibility.
Drop off (8:30-8:45am) and pick up time (3.00-3.20pm) are very busy around our school. PLEASE obey all laws, traffic directions and parking restrictions. They are there to keep you and your child safe. The PAE Council and Police have been in attendance, and fines have been issued.
- Eldon Street Gates open at 8:20am. Please do not drop your child off until the gate is open. If you need to drop your child off earlier, then please book them into OSHC.
- Always use the pedestrian crossings on Eldon St or Tungara Ave.
- Please don’t queue around the roundabout. The roundabout is clearly signed.
- Please don’t drive over or do U-Turns across the solid white lines (on the wrong side of the road!!) or stop on the solid yellow lines especially near the crossings just to save a couple of minutes – this is illegal and extremely unsafe.
- The ‘Kiss and Drop’ is NOT a parking area during drop off or pick up time, and drivers should remain in their cars at all times. If you need to help your child, then you should be parking in a designated parking area.
We appreciate your support in keeping everyone safe. We all have busy lives – your patience is required and appreciated.
Wishing you all the best for the week ahead.

Dear Parents and Caregivers,
Next week, we enter the Season of Lent. Lent is a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Lent lasts for 40 days and the liturgical colour changes from green to purple. It is a time where Christians acknowledge the need for God’s grace. Throughout the Season of Lent, we teach the children about; daily prayer, ‘taking up’ kind words and actions and considering the needs of others through Project Compassion.
Ash Wednesday
Lent begins with Ash Wednesday on the 5 March. On Ash Wednesday all students at St Margaret Mary’s School are invited to receive a cross of ashes on their forehead. The ashes are blessed by Fr Charles and come from the palms used during the 2024 Palm Sunday Eucharistic celebration. Receiving a cross on our forehead helps us to reflect that from ashes springs new life. To our students this means being ‘the best version of themselves.’
The Year 3-6 classes will attend a Mass in St Margaret Mary’s Church at 9:15am. Then in the afternoon, our Reception to Year 2 classes will attend a Liturgy of the Word in St Margaret Mary’s Church at 12:00pm. All families are welcome to attend the Ash Wednesday Mass or Liturgy. Parents or family members who attend one of these celebrations are welcome to receive a cross of ashes with the children.
Sacramental Program
This year, we have nine candidates, and their families enrolled in the Parish Sacramental Program. On Wednesday 19 March, the candidates and a parent(s) are asked to attend the Reconciliation Workshop at Whitefriars School. The workshop will be held in the Mary MacKillop Centre from 7:00pm. If you have any questions regarding Reconciliation, the Parish Sacramental Program or the home workbook please contact Kirsty Power at sacramental.coordinator@croydonparkparish.com.au
Casual Day Fundraiser
Later in the term, we will announce a ‘Casual Clothing Day’ for a gold coin donation to support Caritas Australia’s - Project Compassion. This year, the theme is ‘Unite Against Poverty.’ Through the Project Compassion stories, our students learn about how many children around the world need to walk several kilometres each day, to gather the water they need for drinking and washing their hands. In response, we are offering a casual day and asking students to ‘unite’ with Project Compassion by donating a gold coin or more. The money we raise will help Caritas Australia to lift vulnerable schools and communities out of ‘poverty’, by installing permanent water tanks that provide ongoing access to clean water.
Rock and Water
Throughout Term 1, the Year 1 and Year 2 students have been learning the Rock and Water Program. Rock and Water is an evidence-based program. Very physical in its delivery, the training provides unique skills to engage students, through experiential learning, in a safe and fun environment, while supporting them in their social and emotional development. The program teaches students strategies to train their mind (thinking), body (actions) and heart (emotions). The Rock quality stands for an awareness of what is right, demonstrating one’s potential and personal growth. A Water quality stands an awareness of resolution, understanding that we have a connection with others deep in our hearts. In Term 2 the program will be extended to other year levels.
Have a good weekend everyone!
Matthew Harrison

Hello, St Margaret Mary’s Families!
My name is Solina, and I am excited to introduce myself as the School Wellness Coordinator. In this role, I am committed to supporting the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of our students, staff, and families.
As the Wellness Coordinator, my responsibilities include:
- Offering support for students dealing with stress, anxiety, and other emotional challenges.
- Collaborating with teachers and staff to integrate wellness practices into the classroom.
- Providing resources and guidance for healthy habits at home and school, such as mindfulness and grounding exercises.
My goal is to create a positive and supportive environment where everyone feels empowered to take care of their health and well-being.
The students from year 3 to 6 can be referred to me by their teacher if they feel the student needs some assistance or the students themselves can ask to see me. Students in reception to year 2 are referred by their parents.
If you feel you would like your child to have additional support regarding their wellbeing you can ask for a referral form from the office.
I am at school every Thursday, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions. My email address is solina.merlino@smms.catholic.edu.au
Let’s work together to ensure a healthy, happy, and successful year for all!
Warm regards,
On Thursdays we have CRAFT CLUB happening in the Library. Week 2 & 3 we used paper plates to make some spiral snakes.
During week 4 & 5 we tried some Kandinsky inspired Art using crayons.
Everyone is welcome to come along and use their creativity.

The excitement is slowly building as we prepare for our special Carnevale celebration next Tuesday March 4th.
We are looking forward to such a fun day.
Gina Armiento
Italian Teacher

Fr Charles Lukati, Parish Priest of the Croydon Park Parish, will run the Clare Valley Marathon on Sunday April 6th to raise money for Cancer Council SA.
By running the marathon, Fr Charles is living out the call of Pope Francis in this Jubilee Year to be a Pilgrim of Hope "always on the move."
Please help him to support everyone affected by cancer, by donating to this Cancer Council Fundraising Event.
The target has been set at $20,000.
Let’s see how for we can reach!
Important Dates
5/6GG Assembly 9.00am
Group 2 & Reception Disco 2-2.45pm
Year 1, 2, 3 disco 5.15-6pm
Year 4, 5, 6 Disco 6.30-7.30pm
Community Prayer 8.45am
Public Holiday
Group 1 Preschool Disco 2-2.45pm
Naplan Week 7 & 8
1SB Assembly 9am
Whole School Liturgy 1.30pm
Community Prayer 8.45am
Volunteer Induction 3.20pm
Calm & Confident Kids 6-7.15pm
Sports Day
Year 3 Mass 9.15am
RMC Assembly 9am
Term 3 Reception Parent Evening
Student Free Day - OSHC Available
School Times & Term Dates
Front Office: 8.30am - 3.45pm
Student Supervision: 8.30am - 3.20pm
Classes: 8.45am - 3.00pm
Term 1: Tuesday 28 January to Friday 11 April;
Term 2: Monday 28 April to Friday 4 July;
Term 3: Monday 21 July to Friday 26 September;
Term 4: Monday 13 October to Friday 12 December
Preschool Times

Group 1: Monday & Tuesday 8.45am - 2.45pm;
Odd Wednesdays 8.45am - 2.45pm
Occasional Care: Wednesdays 8.45-11.45am (bookings required)
Group 2: Even Wednesdays 8.45am -2.45pm;
Thursday & Friday 8.45am - 2.45pm
Playgroup: Fridays 9.15-10.45am
Uniform Shop Times

Tuesday: 2.30pm - 3.30pm;
Friday: 8.30am - 10.00am
Crossing Monitors

Thank you to these students who have volunteered to be crossing monitors:
Week 5: Nate, Ezana, Cooper
Week 6: Lily, Nira, Marcus
Week 7: Axel, Isaac, Arin
Student Absences
Phone: 8245 5855 (answering service - call anytime)
Email: absent@smms.catholic.edu.au
SMS: 0497 901 493
Croydon Park Catholic Parish
Parish Priest: Fr Charles Lukati
Ph: 8346 0944

